5 August, 2004

My screenprinting sessions have come to a successful end. Saturday was spent grinding to get the designs onto the screen and some basic testing done. Sunday was spent firing on all cylinders to get as many prints done as possible. (I figured if I did a lot I’d end up with some that were really good). By the end of Sunday I was well and truly buggered but had some really cool prints, the results of which will be up on The Trouser Project soon.

”Time like an ever rolling stream”, Isaac Watts: My pet peeve, the thing I most dislike to hear from others is simply “I don’t have time”. We all have the same amount of time, give or take a few years, in our lives and we all do similar things to survive (which is relatively piss easy to do these days all things considered) so what do people mean when they say they “don’t have time”? Are you implying I have more time than you, am I less busy? Do you maybe mean that you don’t have time for me? Maybe you mean you can’t manage your time properly and take on more tasks than you can handle? Whatever the reason I can only deduce one thing – you are lying and are using a throwaway social phrase to cover something. Do me a favour and get real.

Went to see Fahrenheit 9/11 in the weekend. Despite having reading Stupid White Men and Dude, Where’s my Country I still came away feeling screwy and with an overwhelming sense of sorrow for the United States public. The more I learn about people around the World the more I realise we are all pretty much the same. Sure there are some superficial differences but in general we’re all pretty stock standard. That and arseholes are everywhere. Imagine a World without fat, white guys in suits.