28 November, 2003

After two weeks of nothing but writing specs, costings, scopes and briefs I got sick of it all, burned out and decided to doing something visual…as you do. After scanning through some old 3D animations I found one I’d done of a shipwreck/underwater scene and thought I’d have a go at turning it into a style for this site. Interface 5 is the result. Visual style was the aim of the game with this one and the XHTML is a little dodgey…lots of nested div tags to build up the background images. What CSS really needs is the ability to stack background images within an element.

The shark in the top corner was part of the original animation so with a bit of tweaking I got it to swim in the right direction. I really like the way the light falls on it as it swims around. Plenty of room to play and keep adding to this one which is great.

Trip to Wellington on Monday to catch up with a few people. Looking forward to it. Completely by coincidence the premier of The Two Towers is on Monday.