28 January, 2004

After a massive blow out on some pretty major coffee on Monday, the rest of the week looks like a bit of a write-off. Finished a shitload of stuff in one day though.

Also, completed a pair of shorts. I finally have a pair of long, solid shorts complete with a chain stripe. Based on a basic (and pretty crappy) pattern, a bit of sweat, some tears, a bit of blood (stupid needles) and lots of hacking they started to take shape really nicely. Surprisingly my sewing skills have come a long way since the Trouser project and these ones fit really well and are mega comfy. Complete with the Ouch logo – stencilled on the arse pocket. Will do a write up one of these days – soon as I forgive my computer and camera for being stupid.

Still listening to the Ramones. This must be a world record for my attention span.