5 June, 2009
It has been quite an eventful month. The bathroom is slowly ticking towards being finished and we have been quietly spending time painting, varnishing, filling, plastering and all the other wonderful things it takes to finish this sort of work. We are also working pretty hard to pay the freaking thing off. I have resigned from teaching to take up a web design position. Really looking forward to this move and am glad it hasn’t taken too long to move on. I am going to miss the classroom and the students that I have built up relationships with over the last few years. I will also miss the opportunity that could have been with the ICT courses and College of Computing. I will not miss the closemindedness of the people who couldn’t/wouldn’t understand what we were trying to do and the system that is in serious need of a wakeup call. Winter is also here again and it’s a cold one which basically means riding a bike to work has become more dangerous than usual.
Gardening has been reduced to general maintenance over the last few weeks as renovations took over. We still have some flooding but without the vast expanse of concrete it seems to be draining off more quickly. It’s all looking really good though and I am looking forward to this spring and seeing how the more established plants and trees respond.
Four more weeks of school and I become a web designer again. I am already picking out my new wacom tablet.