4 March, 2022
Settling in to the new role as a Learning Specialist in the libraries has been a bit of a mission for the last month. Great people and a lot of potential to build up some great programmes around community learning but … wow … this Covid thing is really making life complicated. The amount of work required just to leave the house and work with people is adding to the pile of white noise currently barrelling through my tiny little mind. Still deciding whether this is a great way to start a new role or whether I’m simply doing things the hard way again. Life. It also turns out I still suck a bit at isolation and avoiding people and am beginning to think I might not be an introverted person. I have a sneaky suspicion I’m actually a slightly quiet extrovert. Not that it really matters much in the grand scheme bit trying to figure out what makes you tick is always interesting.
I am enjoying the moments where I do get to work with people and am starting to find areas I can build up with people of like mind. As always it’s going to be interesting where it all goes.