4 July, 2008
Last day of term 2 and as always it was really weird. If you’re not up with the play, teaching is a tough job. I have never worked in an environment so prone to such random experience and mental exhaustion. Imagine a day that consists of teenage logic and bush-law, colleagues freaking out under the pressure (sometimes it’s you so deal with it), parents who are generally understanding but occasionally freak out when they realise their child is “not where they should be” and school management who are generally freaking out because… well they have to manage all of the above.
Today: First period, non-contact. I worked on assessing one of my Year 11’s work (ICT – 3D modelling, he’s blind. Yes sir. I fucking rock as a teacher). I also videoed one of my Year 10s, while she waited for her first class, playing an amazing instrument. This girl is quiet, shy and absolutely blew me away with her skill. Second period: 10ICT – “can we play games, it’s last day of term”, “can we take this class again next term?”, “Why doe smy computer hate me?” etc etc. I love this class. They are all mad…and one of them plays an amazing instrument. Third period: non-contact. Talking to colleagues about bullying (from other colleagues), having ideas shot down, exhaustion and all sorts of other brilliant things. Each of us was told we were great somewhere along the line. Duty at lunchtime – I learned all about an online tarot reader thing and back in my classroom talked to a student I have put into work/internship with a web development colleague. Fourth/Fifth period: 11ICT – these guys are mad. Key success with a young woman working on a web site about Sid Vicious, students who suddenly got it and produced something resembling a website, I was told I was “a crap teacher”, I responded with “yeah, and you’re a crap student, we sort of balance each other out”, I let them go slightly early. After school: Year 13 student and parent meeting. He’s been sick and needs to catch up. My job, get them both up to speed so he can work over the holidays. My illusions…none.
Multiply that by 4 terms and god knows how many years … we call it public secondary school teaching. Tell me my salary is not worth it and I don’t deserve my holidays. I’ll invite you, with all courtesy, into my classroom.
… and now I am going to relax for a few weeks and do it all again.