29 January, 2025
A new year and another holiday break coming to a close as I head back to working as a Teacher tomorrow. A couple of new Design courses to develop this year and the makerspace looks like it’s a thing for now so plenty to keep me occupied.
The break has been a chance to get some things done around the house that have been neglected a bit. I have locked down the rust that was starting to form on the workshop roof and given it a few coats of paint. Looks much better and hopefully holds things in place for a few more years. Some projects completed in the workshop as I continue to try and use up the wood from the renovations. My daughter is now a teenager and growing into quite the character. I had a moment of feeling old and then had to look back and see what has been accomplished over the years. Can’t complain too loudly at the moment and that’s worth remembering.
Not sure what this year is going to bring and maybe that is a good thing. A time to plug away at classroom teaching, keep the house upright and safe, and generally keep learning new things as much as possible.