27 March, 2009
Friday …Having taken on the education system last year in this blog and being completely wang-holed as a result I figured it was time to go for gold and have a [gentle] go at religion. I had a weird run in a few days ago with some ‘person’ who was ranting on about Jesus and it set off my little weirdo meter – usually signalled by a question mark over my head. It was a bit American Hollywood for me to take seriously but I had to ask [myself, later], isn’t worshipping Jesus a bit like following the Second in Command, the Deputy, the middle management guy? If you’re going to go with a dogmatic religion surely the actual God would be the way to go? They have the lightening bolts and Doc Martins right? the final say is all theirs? Worshipping the son seems a bit odd and, dare I say it, somewhat futile if you are gunning for heaven. I might be missing something, I usually am but please don’t email me about it. My spirituality comes from my garden, friends, life and freedom with conscience. Whatever gets you through the day I guess.
Friday …