27 June, 2006
I have had a fascinating time converting my desktop to Ubuntu lately. Fascinating because I had to learn some new things…actually a lot of new things but also had to face up to what I use a computer for. It has also been fascinating watching people switch off when I start to talk about my latest challenge. Fair enough I guess. A number of the Computing College students have followed suit though. Change the World one student at a time I guess.
I am back on my bike pending the replacement of batteries in my electric scooter. I’d forgotten how nice this city is to actually bike around, especially through the park. Pity about all the cars. As this Friday is the last day of term I plan to show the Computing students “End of Suburbia” as part of our ‘Technologists and Society’ theme. I am not sure how this is going to go really but at least it has some educational value…certainly more so than what they want to watch. Maybe it’ll make one or two think. Change the World one student at a time I guess.
Watching the news a few nights ago I caught one of those articles about petrol prices and how the US has started pumping more money into finding more oil to solve the issue. Interesting plan. I think I’ll carry on with my plan to work towards living more sustainably. It’s a long term plan but I have more faith in it’s viability than the somewhat mystic “let’s find more resources” or “someone will invent something new” approaches.