22 November, 2005
Ever have a day where you feel you were being used…in a prison bitch sort of way. If you’ve got something to say about someone, say it to them, not me. I probably don’t give a shit and if I did I’d probably still tell you to talk to them instead of me. If you’ve got something to say to me, just say it but don’t be surprised if I tell you you’re a wanker and leave you to rot. If you want me to do something, just bloody ask, don’t wank around trying to manipulate me. I’m too clever to fall for it and too stupid not to punch you in the mouth for trying. We have seriously become a namby pampy, pathetic excuse for a species and god help if the bird flu isn’t possibly just what this planet needs.
I watched another one of those ‘we’re all going to die’ programmes on TV tonight…I think it was the 6 O’clock news but too be honest I’d been drinking for a while and wasn’t entirely sure. Either way we’re all going to die and we should apparently be stockpiling all sorts of shit to make sure we don’t. Basic rule of nature, over population leads to some change that reduces that population, be it rabbits or humans. Morons will always survive. The good people always seem to die first for some reason…don’t ask me why.
The next person who tells me that “their job is the hardest in the world and that they are really busy and that they have people to meet and places to be” gets a solid smack in the face. Go away and leave me alone. You probably don’t have a very hard job and you probably watch too much American television to be good for you. Go navel gaze with someone else.
Granted it was not a very good day today but that’s no excuse for people being dumbasses.