21 June, 2004
How time flies when you’re sick, tired and working your nads off to keep things ticking over. That’s right, it’s Winter again. Looking back on passed Word instalments I never seem to have much to say in Winter (relatively speaking) which is odd as I do a lot of thinking at this time of year. It’s like a blown lightbulb (stay with me here), you only remember to fix it when it’s dark and can’t see enough to fix it. Thinking in Winter works in a similar way with me, if something’s going to go wrong and I’m going to notice it, it’ll be in Winter.
I have been doing a lot of thinking about success and what I want out of life lately. This is probably partly to do with the business doing it’s usual slightly-above-mediocre best, oil depletion (which I just can’t seem to hide from no matter what I do), TV showing endless Reality TV shows and people around me being a little odd. The end result is that at the moment I don’t feel particularly successful which is weird considering I live in a pretty decent country, have been running my own business for almost three years, can grow a decent crop of potatoes (and other assorted veges) and make a mean Focaccia bread. I’m not sure why it all feels a bit illusory.
For the want of something better I keep plugging away at web design with the ever nagging sensation it’s not overly valuable to the World. We’ll see I guess.
In other news, I got a worm farm for getting rid of some of the food scraps. Standard composting just wasn’t working and kudos to the Christchurch City Council for all the info they have on composting on the web site. Good to see.