2 December, 2021
I have decided to move on from secondary teaching to take up a role as a education specialist in the library makerspaces. A bit of a change in some ways but I like that it retains a strong community education focus and the libraries have really upped their game in terms of tools and ideas around education. I had to admit to myself that I was really not enjoying being back in a secondary school and that, while the classroom teaching had enjoyable moments, the original vision the school had had is fast being dragged down to the usual level of mediocrity seen at the secondary level. After finding myself having the same discussions/arguments about timetables, assessment and teaching practice I discovered that after 10 years of teaching across a range of schools my enthusiasm for building up courses has some limits. My focus now is to try and find work with flexibility and variety while minimising contact with people who talk and fluff around a lot while doing very little in the way of outcomes. I am also looking forward to a lighter commute and the opportunity to get back on my bike.
The Making It brand is once again selling well this Christmas. The online model has worked well for us and there has been a regular little stream of sales throughout the year. It has become quite a sustainable little hobby income for us and it’s nice to see people still enjoying the products.
Another week before the end of year break and then on to new things … again.