18 October, 2005
This world is weird…and getting weirder by the second. Our new government, announced one month after the election (she’ll be right mate) is the result of a fascinating mix of compromise and blackmail. The fact it’s Labour led is a small saving grace but Winston Peters as foreign affairs minister? Really? The Greens have been pushed back a notch and if Peter Dunne says one more thing on TV I’m afraid we’re going to need to institute political assassination. He really does need to just shut up and count himself lucky.
The reserve bank came out with a warning that consumer debt is somewhat out of control and NZ is entering the role of ‘banana republic’ (not their exact words but close enough)…ya think. Interest rates look to be going up again, which for us is sweet as we can’t afford to enter the big games like housing so our money is simply sitting there waiting. I am kind of glad we haven’t been able to do the mortgage thing…I can see only bad times ahead for that in the short term. No surprise though really. Wait for the results of peak oil to really start to hit home…then we’ll no some shit scary pain.
In other news, the garden is starting to look okay, the teaching diploma is coming along and summer looks like it’s desperately trying to make an appearance.