16 November, 2004
A bit of a slow day today as people decide if they want to actually move ahead with projects. I am assuming they’ll all wait until December 20th to make the decision and set the deadline for the 24th. Sad news for those folks.
This year I have become acutely aware of a weird marketing phenomenon – obtuse over glorification of industries. In my particular case I see students (and the general public) constantly fed crap about the glory of being a Designer. Apparently we all use the latest computers, sit around drinking lattes while lisping horrendously to our colleagues and come up with luxuriously fun work for all to enjoy. Well…bollocks to that. Most of the industries I’ve worked in usually consist of hard, boring work for vague people with little or no idea what they really want and no budget. It’s time to stop the crap. Work is hard and most of the people you meet and work with will suck…get over it.
That said, once you get past the illusion things get better. I dumped most of the crap a while back in favour of working from home on an ‘okay’ computer for customers I actually do get on with. It’s hard work, bloody frustrating and I always seem to attract wackos but it beats being bored. I’ll never be rich or famous but at least I managed to swallow the right pill.