16 March, 2005
Fuck today. I have resorted to sitting watching a rerun of Friends, listening to punk music, drinking whisky, thinking about the lessons I am teaching tomorrow and wondering why I give a crap. To top it all off nothing particularly wrong happened today and it’s all me. A better version of me might say “A bad day, harden up and get over it”….the me today has decided to soak in some weird sort of depression. I have no idea where my friends are and no one is answering the phone. Fuck today.
I watch these kids every day learning how to operate in a World I firmly believe won’t exist for much longer and I find myself struggling with that idea.Endless advertisements about the latest gadget and the newest fashion and I find myself thinking it’s all a load of crap from a dedicated group of right plonkers. Fuck today and tomorrow.
I watch the evidence about global warming and find I can put them to one side. I watch the evidence about peak oil and I find it harder to put aside. I look at people rushing to god knows where to do something supposedly important and risking other people’s lives to do so and I remember we live on a small island…where are they going with such haste and risk? I watch the changes in our society and the way people interact compared with ten years ago and have trouble putting that aside. Combined all these things seem to add up to something considerable. Fuck today.