15 August, 2008
I am taking a few days out. To be more precise my body has let me know in no uncertain terms that it is taking a few days out and I had better follow suit. Never one to argue with my body I am at home sick.
The upsides of being sick so far are: 1) getting to be in bed and resting, 2) having some time to walk around the garden looking at it progress without feeling the need to do something. I got to thinking about all the things I supposedly need to do in life at the moment and very little of it seems important. Maybe that is what my body was trying to tell me. I have got to a point of so many things rolling around in my head it just sounds like a big room full of people all talking at once – white noise. Is there really any hurry on any of this? I have also been struggling with the fact that very little seems to be exciting me anymore. Life has become one big troubleshoot and the things that should get me smiling, aren’t. That seems like a bad sign and needs addressing.
After a little foray into watching the Olympic games I have stopped. Something feels wrong about it all now and I’m not sure what, which just makes it even creepier. It does not feel like a peaceful celebration of competition between nations. It is too hysterical, too … much. Maybe that reflection of our World in general is simply too close to home to be enjoyable.
My poor bike has had a bit of a hard time lately. I got a puncture last week that I repaired and pulled a large shard of glass from the tire. Discovered at the end of the next day that it was flat again (walked home again) and got a new tube. The next day the gear cable snapped on the way home so replaced it with a new one. Happy with all the repairs I biked to work again and once more at the end of the day had a puncture. At this point my nerves were getting a bit frayed (and my body was demanding a break). Finally found the little bit of wire that was poking through into the tire and removed it. I think we’re finally there but it’s been a bit rough.
Time to lie down again.