10 April, 2007
The holidays are very much happening.The peaches were split up, some made into wine and some preserved in bottles for the long hard winter that’s a’comin…or something. We discovered the base of the distiller works well for preserving so it was all go. They look okay so will see how it goes when we try them in a few months.
I am now trying to get the window in the bedroom stripped back to wood and varnished before things get too damp and the wood starts to get soggy. Stripping the window has been a bit of a mission but today I got the worst of the paint out leaving the touch up work. We should be able to get a coat of varnish on this week some time. It looks damn fine if I do say so myself. Lovely rimu underneath, all different shades and grainy. It scares me when I think of how much more there is to do … so I don’t think about it. Problem solved.
After spazzing out a bit in town over the lack of decent men’s clothing I have started another pair of trousers. They have flames. Yessir, flames. Actually it’s cooler than that. They are a thick black drill with three panels making up the legs. The tops of the bottom two panels are cut into a flame pattern and sewn together. Took frickin ages but it is really looking good. Subversively innocuous enough to wear to school and cool enough to make me feel less of a muppet. I would also like to state that I nailed the fly … totally. No inappropriate holes, gaps, stitching or general dodginess. I have pockets to do tomorrow and then sew ’em up to fit. I’m also finally getting some new shoes … they have flames on them. Yessir, flames.
I will not think about the marking I left at school or the fact that term two is a long one .. I won’t think about it again at least.